Research studies show up to 85 percent of menstruating women use tampons. However, very little research has been done to substantiate, or prove, their safety.
What could be so dangerous about a tampon?
As noted by Alexandra Scranton, Women's Voices for the Earth Director of Science and Research, tampons "are not just your average cosmetics because they are used on an exceptionally sensitive and absorbent part of a woman's body."
Unfortunately, most tampons are far from pure, and when the chemicals come in contact with your skin, they are absorbed straight into your bloodstream without filtering of any kind.
Tampon use is potentially even more problematic than a chemical coming in contact with your external skin, as they are used internally, which dramatically increases the absorption of toxic chemicals.
Plus, tampons are left in place for hours at a time, for several days each month, adding quite a bit of cumulative exposure time.
If you also use other feminine care products such as, feminine wipes, washes, douche, or deodorant, for instance – be aware that your level of chemical exposure rises even more.
Tampon Use and Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS)
Tampons can create a favorable environment for bacteria growth. Micro tears in your vaginal wall from tampons may allow bacteria to enter and accumulate. One recognized risk from tampon use is Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS), which may be caused by poisonous toxins from either Staphylococcus aureus (staph) or group A streptococcus (strep) bacteria. TSS can be a life-threatening condition, so it's important to recognize the signs and symptoms. Should any of the following symptoms arise while using tampons during your period, make sure you seek medical help:
Sudden high fever,Vomiting,Diarrhea
Low blood pressure,Seizures,Rash on palms or soles of feet
Muscle aches,Redness of your eyes, mouth, and/or throat.
We understand women will do better once they are educated. However, for those who will continue to use tampons
to minimize your risk of this potentially life-threatening condition:
Avoid super absorbent tampons – choose the lowest absorbency rate to handle your flow. Never leave a tampon inserted overnight; use overnight pads instead. When inserting a tampon, be extremely careful not to scratch your vaginal lining (avoid plastic applicators)
Change tampons at least every 2-4 hours. We urge you not use a tampon.
between periods.
Protect The Most Precious Jewel In The World, YOU!
Studies have shown that the chemicals dioxin and chlorine are cancerous when they come in contact with the human skin; especially the tender part of the woman's private area. Obviously not immediately, but the cancerous affects may be progressive over time. Paper alone cannot absorb the woman's flow during her cycle, for this reason plastic is placed between or under the menstrual pad to combat leakage when a women is bleeding. The plastic placed in between these menstrual pads prevents the circulation of air in the woman's system. In other words, as the woman is having her flow wearing a traditional pad, no air enters the woman's system causing warmth to develop between the pad and her vaginal area. With the moisture from the blood that is being released, this area becomes a breeding ground for germs. This in turn leads having a unpleasant scent when removed after use.
World Health Organization, (www.who.int), Fact Sheet: Dioxins and Their Effect on Human Health, October 2016
A World Health Organization report indicates that within two hours of a woman putting on traditional pads, about 107 different germs per cubic centimeter are developed on the surface area of the pad. When pressure is applied on the pad through sitting, because paper is not absorbent enough, the pad allows a "back flow" of the blood into the woman's reproductive system. Along with all the germs that may have developed and the chemicals in the pads, this could possibly lead to an infection in the woman's reproductive system. Not knowing what to do nor what may be happening, the woman simply takes this as normal menstrual discomfort.
Tampons and pads with odor neutralizers and artificial fragrances are virtually a chemical soup. They are laced with artificial colors, polyester, adhesives, polyethylene, polypropylene and propylene glycol and other contaminants linked to hormone disruption, cancer, birth defects, dryness and infertility. Studies have proved that most menstrual sanitary pads available on the market are produced from recycled paper materials, containing print ink and other chemicals which are later bleached with harmful chemicals like dioxin and chlorine.
Dr. Latronica Fisher, This Can Potentially Save Your Life: Now We Know Ladies! Part 2, Health and Wellness, Journals.
Some of today's most popular sanitary napkins have been found to emit chemicals, like styrene, chloroethane and chloroform. The World Health Organization classifies styrene as a carcinogen. And the EPA says short-term exposure to high concentrations of chloromethane can have neurological effects. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention says high levels of exposure to chloroethane can result in lack of muscle coordination and unconsciousness.
Nadia Kounang, CNN, What's in Your Pad or Tampon? November 13th, 2015